Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Star Write Up Saturday, January 30 2010 - A Dream Realised

Related: Flying High by Joleen Lunjew

A dream realised

It has been a dream of Christian de Tomassi to pilot an aircraft, and it finally came true after he took the co-pilot seat of the Cessna 152.

“I heard about the programme from a friend, and when I found out I could actually experience firsthand how to ‘pilot’ a plane, my only thought was that I must do this! I’ve been wanting to fly a plane for many years now but never had the chance. This was my chance,” said the 35-year-old Italian entertainment manager.

Captain Dylan Bhaskaran explaining the controls in a Cessna 152 to Christian de Tomassi.

Having experienced the programme for the first time, de Tomassi didn’t really know what to expect.

“I thought it was a good programme. I have no regrets. Capt Dylan was kind and qualified. He explained everything well and clearly. The price is also good. I am really satisfied. I might do this again.”

He enjoyed the entire programme: the briefing, listening to the radio transmission between the control tower and pilot, taking off and landing.

“Every moment was enjoyable. I was feeling on top of the world! The only regret I had was that time passed so quickly.”

On ways to improve the programme, de Tomassi suggested that the company could offer more types of aircrafts.

“I would like to experience different types of planes. Maybe they can offer longer routes, too. Everyone was nice. I would like to thank them for such a wonderful day.”

When asked if he wanted to pursue a pilot’s licence, de Tomassi said that he would like to, but that it was very expensive and not easy in his country.

“It is my dream to earn a pilot’s licence and I’m sure I will find a way to do that someday. For now, it will just be a dream, but a dream that won’t die,” he smiled.

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